“Glorious music….superbly performed by the Apollo Saxophone Quartet”

Sunday Express

“Jazz rhythms met minimalism in a lyrical embrace; motifs and patterns chased tails in music instantly attractive, but never vacuous…the phenomenal skill of the Apollo four…the silkiest transformation from furnace blast to the softest whisper this side of the Milky Way”

The Times

“A unique virtuoso banquet” 

Classical Music Magazine

“The Quartet’s ensemble of Saxophone registers sounded as tight as fingers in a fist”

The Independent


Rob Buckland
Carl Raven
Andy Scott
Jim Fieldhouse

The groundbreaking Apollo Saxophone Quartet has been at the forefront of the British contemporary music scene for over 35 years. The ensemble has made the largest single contribution to the saxophone quartet repertoire in the UK, commissioning and premiering over 100 works, ranging from quartets to concerti and film scores, as well as numerous creative collaborations with poets, dancers, multimedia and strings.


book us

education project 2022

Who we are

We are saxophonists Rob Buckland,
Carl Raven, Andy Scott and Jim Fieldhouse
. We are based in Manchester, U.K.

Our projects

We collaborate with composers from many genres, with film, with dancers, poets, orchestras and other musicians from all musical backgrounds. We also create our own music and education projects.

Our repertoire

Apollo have commissioned over 120 works for saxophone quartet over the lifetime of the group. We aim to continue expanding the saxophone quartet repertoire with collaboration, commissioning and creating our own works.

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2025 © apollo saxophone quartet